My kinder kids come to me with different experiences about letters.... Some can say their letters and sing the alphabet song. Some know their letters and some of the letter sounds Some don't know the difference between a letter and a squibble on paper. :) Do you see this with your kiddos? My district has implemented dibels. Dibels is a way for us to teach and monitor each child's level of reading skills and provide early intervention for those children at risk. I am giving you a download today of a letter fluency practice that I use during guided reading groups. It is engaging and the children love to use it. I just copy enough of these for my small groups and laminate. The dots under each letter is for children to point to and stay on track and not all over the page. Hope you enjoy! Click on the picture above for your copy.
If you like this copy, head over to Donna's ( KinderGlynn) TPT store. She has letter naming fluency activities as well as some more resources for dibels!
Click on her button below to head to her blog!
Thank you! This is just perfect!
We use DIBELs too. Looks great!
Awesome I just sent it to my Kinder teacher friend.
Rambling About Reading
Thanks this is great...I love the dots under the letters to keep them on track!
What I Learned in Kindergarten
We use DIBELS also. Thanks so much for this, the dots are great. Thank you for sharing.
The Wonderful World of Kindergarten
Thanks for sharing! I love the idea of the dots to help with tracking at the beginning of the year! I'm wondering if you would be willing to post a second copy without the dots (as a bridge between the first copy and the actual DIBELS probe)?
I know with many of my kiddos, they are so concrete and when they get the probe and it doesn't have dots, they are going to at me like they have never seen anything like it.
Thank you for the comments! Yes! I will be glad to post another without the dots... You are right about how many of the kiddos are so concrete! :)
Thank you! We do not use Dibels, but I am expanding our reading program; this will be very helpful!
Thanks for including my button in your sidebar! Isn't it fun to see your stuff around the blogosphere?!
I love that you are using DiBELS and incorporating engaging practices like this into your guided reading groups.
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