This morning I went to school to see my room. I haven't seen it since the contractors came in to put in our new air conditioners. This is what I saw!
That is my teacher assistant's desk on top of mine. LOL It is a small room, but I love it. So much to do... so little time.
This is the view from the back of the room looking to the door that leads to the hall. At our school we have pods or buildings with about 6 rooms to a pod. My room has 5 walls. Two of the walls are windows. Even though the building was built in the 50's I love our school. Outside each room there is a huge area where we can take children for small groups! I love being able to do this because sometimes we have about 24+ children in our classes. Look at this pic. Here is a table in the small group area. Wow!
Well it looks like my work is cut out for me. I am going in tomorrow to put some love on my stuff! Wish me luck.... Does anyone have any tylenol?
Thank you for entering my give away! Last day is Friday... I can't wait!
Good luck! It is crazy that we always have so much to do before we even have to be back at school! I am ahead of you working in my room, but still have sooo much to do! We start back on the 10th with kids on the 17th. I have tried to get ahead because I am having surgery on Friday and probably can't go back until the 15th!! Terrible Timing!! It always comes together and if something does not get done, I am usually the only one that knows! :)I have brought home stuff to do in the bed and hopefully I can still blog!! Lots of luck getting ready!!
My Kindergarten Kids
I think it's awful they moved your stuff around. On the bright side though you are a creative, caring, and motivated teacher so this classroom will look fabulous soon! Make a plan, think positive, and your ideas will come to you! The beginning of the school year can be tough with planning, decorating, and making sure everything is prefect. Good luck with everything! Those kinder babies will love learning in there!
Rambling About Reading
My school also got air conditioning installed over the summer! We are not allowed into our rooms until the 8th (and kids come back on the 17th) but I'm gonna try to sneak in this weekend. I'm terrified at what I will find because my room was used as a storage room since it already had air conditioning. Pass me some of your Tylenol, please!
Thank you for the positive feedback... I went and worked today and it looks so much better... but guess what? After all of that, the air conditioner is not working. LOL LouAnne, I'll be thinking of you! Take it easy and don't over do it. Jess thank you for your positive words... Amy, I'll be glad to pass the Tylenol. I bought a big bottle today!
Hope you got a lot done, and that the air conditioning starts working soon!
So what does your room look like now?
Well, things were going slow because the air conditioning wasn't fixed until today. I hope to have pictures up this weekend! :)
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