Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Parent/Teacher Communication

My school uses plastic folders for home/school communication. These folders go through so much wear and tear with the little ones and don't last to the end of the year. Instead of folders I use a binder that can be organized with the classroom newsletter, a reading log, core words and many other things that is useful for the children and parents at home. It also helps the children organize their work and provides a means for home/school communication. The acronym I used for our binders is B.E.A.R. book. (Bring Everything Always Ready.) I place the school's folder inside and use plastic sheet protectors for various papers like the reading log, core words, etc...
Here is a picture of the BEAR book cover sheet that I will use this year.
What do you use to promote home/school communication? Do you use binders or folders? Here is the cover I will use this year!


Camille said...

Hi Pam! I use folders, but am thinking of switching to binders. Something I do to increase parent/teacher communication is to use a form I call "The Bridge". I staple a copy inside each folder. There are two columns on the form. On the left I made teacher comments and on the right, parents write comments. In a perfect world, I would write a comment each week. But that doesn't always happen.
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